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Due to the well publicised rises in operational costs, an increase has become a necessity. Please note that we are reviewing our prices, and our new charges will come into effect on Tuesday 1st April 2025.

SkillX Studio

Our new dedicated SkillX studio gives you the most technologically-advanced, performance-oriented, group training experience possible by developing multiple components of physical performance for a balanced and complete training profile.


The specialised Skill Line equipment is designed to trigger your physical capacities in every possible way. Three pieces of cardio equipment and a complete set of functional training accessories are the key enablers of this cutting edge training method.


Bend the limits of your speed. Push your legs to full steam. Test your stamina on the long run and practice agility drills.


Gear up and enhance your cycling performance. Gain the edge with live feedback on your pedal stroke.


Challenge your power and stamina with the fluid sensation of rowing in water, with no strain on your back.

Your training is further enhanced with the following features all delivered in tandem with our trained and motivated Fitness Team:

Plyo boxes

Boxes enable you to perform a variety of plyometric exercises such as jumping, landing, and more dynamic exercises.

Heart rate bands

By pairing heart rate bands with the Unity Self kiosk, the external screen displays everyone’s heart rate zones during the workout and chronology at the end of the class.

Unity™ Self

A dedicated kiosk to control group workouts. Join the class by going to the kiosk and tapping on your avatar which then appears on the external screen.

Why not contact us or pop-in and let us show you how our SkillX Studio, Fitness Suite, and Swimming Pool provide the most comprehensive and varied all round workout available in Dorset.